These are the partner organisations of the project , responsible for the development of the different outcomes and the launch team for our European Initiative:
is situated 73 kilometers from Murcia, the capital of our Autonomous Community in the South East of Spain. We have 600 students from 3 to 12 years of age. We have 4 different school buildings where the s Kindergarten and Primary students are spread. Our school is located in the center of our town. There is a high level of unemployment among the parents of our students because of the economic and financial situation in Spain.
There is a large number of immigrants mainly from South America and an increasing number of families from Eastern Europe. We are a school with a European vocation, we want our students to feel European citizens. Also, at the moment we have 48 students with special needs who are integrated in regular classes. Most of them are diagnosed with developmental dyslexia or TEA
Our school has 60 employees of 43 teachers. 34 of them work as primary school teachers with children from 6 to 12 years of age and the rest are teachers for students from kindergarten.
- The objectives of our school are:
- To promote renewable energy and climate change as well as combine STEM.
- To define and prioritize the objectives related to the improvement of our students’ awareness about changes of climate
- To promote the collaboration and joint work of the teaching staff.
- To offer the students the opportunity to adopt attitudes and values that allow them to feel European citizens.
- To develop students’ personal abilities and skills.
- To cooperate with local associations, parents’ associations, cultural societies, local departments of Volunteer Organizations, local authority, scientific institutes and public services.
- To open the school to the local society, through the above co-operations, but also to international co-operations at a European level
a Dutch innovative consultancy company, founded in 2007, continuously offering an increasing range of added value products, services, solutions, best practices, commercial business developments, promotion of entrepreneurship for everyone. NEFINIA aims at serving as a best example of bottom up Institution Building effort towards EU Integration and regional competitiveness, playing a key role, contributing in the implementation of EU Regulations and Directives through its participation in EU funded networks & projects, at inter-regional level.
Eurasia Innovative Society Association
is a non-governmental organization located in Eskişehir, Turkey. Through its practiced multidisciplinary research in the fields of young education, social inclusion, sustainable growth and many more.
Research and analysis, assessments, publishing, and advocacy are among Eurasia’s efforts, as are convening and facilitating the exchange of ideas and open debates that promote fresh thinking on contemporary challenges in Europe while maintaining a global perspective.
Eurasia organizes conferences, workshops, trainings, and other activities that promote social growth, behavioral change, and youth and marginalized groups’ inclusion.
(Hlidaskoli) was founded in 1955. Hlíðaskóli is a comprehensive primary school with 470 students aged 6-16 and with around 100 staff members. Hlíðaskóli operates in accordance with the Compulsory School Act, the National Curriculum Guide for primary schools and the Reykjavík city education policy.
Democratic working methods, creativity and free expression are integrated into all schoolwork and great emphasis is placed on the teaching of arts and crafts. The school has a sign language department and all students receive some training in Icelandic sign language. At Hlíðaskóli, great emphasis is placed on a good school atmosphere and a friendly community. The school’s motto is responsibility, respect and kindness. They are a guiding light in all the work of Hlíðaskóli. What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? Hlíðaskóli participated in a Comenius project in the years 2004 – 2008, called Discover Europe by Art. The project was led by an Italian school.
Other participating nations were the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Slovakia and Spain. We worked with a nationally known artist, folk dances, national festivals and architecture. The project focused on students in 1st – 7th grade. Teachers in arts and crafts mainly participated but also 1st – 7th grade class teachers. The consortium decided to apply for continued funding, as we were very pleased with the Discover Europe by STEM and climate change project and no less with the collaboration. An application for a two-year continuation of the cooperation between these nations under the name Science and discoveries in Europe was submitted and approved. In that project, we worked with water, earth, fire and air.
Students enjoyed web conferencing and seeing what students were doing in other countries. Hlíðaskóli was the biggest school and with the widest age of the schools that participated. Teachers at Hlíðaskóli learned about the work of teachers from the other participating schools, what we had in common and what was different. The 10th grade´s Biology project called ´The Beatles-Loving Hens´ is an example of the innovative approach to science education in the school that received national attention. The subject matter of the project was a scientific method project in which students had to perform an experiment with variants, make a video and submit a detailed scientific report. Two girls in 10th grade tested whether music influenced the frequency with which hens would lay eggs. The girls tried playing Mozart and The Beatles for the hens and recorded the differences. The producers of a TV show (Landinn) contacted the school, and the girls will appear in a segment of this show.